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About us

The Internet is a major influence on the everyday life of children. In addition to a variety of opportunities and opportunities offered by new media, they also contain risks and dangers. One of these dangers is internetpornography. Sexual terms are the most sought-after in all search engines and our growing children experience an almost unrestricted availability and thus practice unobtrusive unprotected consumption. Worldwide, there are already 200,000 pages of pornographic content.

In addition to that, the filming or photographing of your own sexual actions and spreading of them, called sexting. It is important to raise young people's awareness of their responsibilities. Protection filters are not sufficient and access doors can be bypassed with a mouse click.

This sensitization assumes parental education, it is alternative and uncompromising. Elders are therefore the direct target group in "IPUS". They are emotional training camps between encouraging control and encouragement to self-employment. For children the subject is however very shame occupied and therefore with parents difficult to argue. Additionally, pornography is a taboo for parents.

We would like to open this taboo topic with a consortium of 7 European member states from DE, RO, BE, SK, AT, BG and SI and to provide families with access to the language on this "embarrassing topic". We meet this sustained educational task with a dual strategy which builds on the one hand the mediation of instrumental skills and, on the other hand, the critically reflected treatment. It is the declared goal to combine this and to integrate it into the social context of sex education in the family , The following results are expected in the implementation:

  1. An interactive Internet platform in at least 8 languages
  2. Prevention / knowledge transfer in the use of digital media through online learning units
  3. Learning modules for intervention and early detection through talking guides

With the implementation of "IPuS 2015", we are actively shaping the European cross-cutting theme: "Media competence education" through interpersonal, intercultural and social skills in Europe. The common challenge of strengthening the media competencies of the parents differs culturally and traditionally solidified educational methods and creates space for intelligent, sustainable learning.

project coordinator

Stiftung- Medien und Onlinesucht, Deutschland, www.stiftung-medienundonlinesucht.de


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